fennec fox pet

Keeping and Caring For Fennec Fox as a Pet

Keeping and Caring for Fennec Fox as Pet

About Fennec Foxes

The Fennec fox is an adorable creature he has ears that go on forever! it is one of the beautiful foxes species, a small member of the vulpine family, their weigh between 2 and 4 pounds. Their golden and dense coat usually has a black tip – all of their physical characteristics allow them to adapt to desert conditions. They look so snuggly that you can hardly imagine them in their native environment, the Sahara Desert.
Fennec foxes puppy behave much like dogs, but since they are not domesticated, they do require careful socialization. You’ll need to take precautions against them escaping when kept as pets.

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baby fennec fox
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baby desert fox

However, they have not been tamed to the extent that the Russian Silver Foxes have, which were bred specifically.

Some Questions You may have about Owning a Fennec Fox as a Pet

Do Fennec Fox Make A Good Pet?

Well, you should know fennecs are a wonderful Exotic Pet. They are very friendly and can be enjoyed by the whole family–especially if you have a lot of energy! Do remember that they are Exotic Animals and can’t be treated the same as any domestic animal. Please do your research and get to know others who own fennecs before making your decision. so the answer is yes fennec fox can be a good pet. and better chose a domesticated fennec fox.

all you have to do is search in the animal shelter near you if they allow or have a fennec fox for adoption.if u didn’t find you can see some pet shop am sure they will have.

can I own a fennec fox as a pet ?

So, you’re convinced to own a Fennec fox as a pet. Not so fast! Before you commit to getting this Wild Animal as a Pet, check your state’s laws or your country laws. After checking your state’s laws, check your city or county laws to be sure. For example, Fennec foxes are illegal as pets in California. They are legal in Pennsylvania and Nebraska as pets though. After doing your research, check out if the laws allow you to have one then you are free to get your own cute little fox.

Owning a Fennec fox as a pet will be a lot of work, but it is possible. They are cute little animals and fairly harmless. There are guides online about owning one so you won’t be completely lost in taking care of it. and remember Training your fox is the key to a peaceful, long-lasting owner-pet relationship. Your furry companion can live for 10-14 years so you will share plenty of memories with your fennec fox puppy.

Some states may be legal to keep in a fennec fox as a pet

  • Arkansas
  • Indiana
  • Michigan
  • Nebraska
  • New York
  • North Carolina (technically, but ordinance’s language is vague and can be re-interpreted)
  • Ohio
  • Oklahoma
  • Tennessee
  • Montana
  • Wyoming
  • New Mexico
  • Florida (with obtainable class 3 permit)
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fennec fox desert
fennec fox diet
fox with big ears
fennec fox habitat
baby fennec fox
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fennec fox pup
fennec fox puppy

Fennec Fox Price

how much it Cost for Fennec Fox Pet?

The costs of adopting a fennec fox vary from place to place, but the average price of a fennec fox is around $1500 to $1800 for a healthy adult fox. and for a fennec fox puppy price is around $2200.

how much it Cost for Fennec Fox Pet care?

Of course, the fennec fox price not the only thing you should worry about the cost of the animal is only a part of the expense of owning one. A large cage, vet care, and the commitment of your time (as well as the difficulty of finding a place for your fox should you need to leave town or go on vacation) are other costly aspects to owning a fennec fox.

Fennec Fox Pet Price Rising!

Fennec foxes are rising in popularity and right now the demand exceeds the supply because a lot of people want to have fennec foxes as a pet, despite the unfortunate increase in irrational prohibitions for them in most states and numerous cities within states where they are legal. As a result, their prices of fennec foxes have risen from as low as $800 around ten years ago to $2500+ today for a captive-bred kit. It’s always worth it to spend extra to acquire exotics from a reputable breeder than to take a chance with brokers and other questionable breeders offering animals for lower than expected prices.

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fennec fox desert
fennec fox diet
fox with big ears
fennec fox habitat
baby fennec fox
fennec fox facts
fennec fox price
fennec fox pet for sale
fennec fox pup
fennec fox pet

Fennec Fox Pet Care

What Kind of Housing Do Fennec fox Need?

Fennec Fox Adoption needs a lot of work. Providing housing for fennec foxes is relatively simple, if expensive. There is no one method to it, many people report success using different setups, enclosures, and techniques. Fennec foxes can be allowed to free roam a room in your home so long as it is fox-proofed. They will dig the carpet and chew anything left out. They may also cause expensive damage or break things precious to you if left out.

One option you may decide on is providing an outdoor enclosure for your fennec fox puppy. This will provide all the space your fennec puppy could want, as well as room for them to dig, forage, climb, and mess about in an area that you can customize and make as complex or natural as you like. Fennec foxes especially enjoy large tree limbs or wooden platforms to climb, and soft sand or dirt to dig in.

Enclosures may be difficult to construct if you have no experience with construction. The topic of building such structures is beyond the scope of this article, but there are basic guidelines you must follow if this is the option you decide on:

Enclosures must be completely enclosed, roof and floor, with wire, wooden roofing, a wire buried a few feet below the ground of the enclosure, concrete flooring covered in dirt, or other materials that cannot be broken out of. Fennecs puppy is adept at both climbing and digging.
Enclosures must supply adequate drainage during rain to avoid becoming flooded
Enclosures must provide shade from intense sunlight and heat
Enclosures must not use anything less than 12 gauge wire. In addition, the wire must not have large enough holes for the fennec to stick their heads in or slip through (A fennec’s skull measures width: 1.73″–1.9″ and height: 1.46″–1.6″)
Enclosures must provide furnishing and enrichment.
If you live in an area where the weather falls below 60 degrees in winter, you will not be able to keep your fennecs outdoors year-round. Fennecs are extremely sensitive to cold and will quickly die if left outside.

fox with big ears
fennec fox habitat
baby fennec fox
fennec fox facts
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fennec fox pet cost
fennec fox desert
fennec fox diet
fox with big ears
fennec fox habitat
baby fennec fox
fennec fox facts
fennec fox price
fennec fox pet for sale
fennec fox pup
Fennec fox pet sleeping

Are The Fennec Foxes Friendly?

In order to get a fennec fox tamed up, you should know the fennec fox pet need to spend plenty of time being socialized with people, particularly when they are young. Assuming that this has been done, they will very much enjoy being patted and played with, once they have got used to you. They are intelligent animals that recognize different handlers and caregivers and will bond with the people that spend the most time with them. They respond well to food and treats, which can speed up the bonding process somewhat!

What Do Fennec Fox Pet Eat?

you may ask your self “can I turn my desert fox pet to vegan fennec fox” Living in deserts, it can be hard to find food. Fennec foxes are omnivores. They prefer any type of desert fruits, leaves, and grasses they can find. On cool nights they also can be found hunting for insects, small rodents, and reptiles. This fox uses its ultra-sensitive hearing to hunt their prey. The Fennec fox can get all its water from the things they consume. Their kidneys are designed to keep water loss to a minimum to Adaptation in the desert environment.

You can feed fennec fox pet a few different types of worms, silkworms, mealworms, and phoenix worms.

Fennec Fox Puppy Diet

Their daily diet needs to consist of a balanced number of insects, raw meat, and supplements. They also need a small amount of vegetables and fruit, usually, just a few teaspoons, such as sweet potatoes, pitted cherries, and carrots. but u can’t turn a fennec to vegan fennec fox.

Can Fennec Foxes Trained?

No matter what any breeder or fans say about fennec foxes they cannot be potty trained. maybe some domesticated fennec fox. A small percentage will instinctively use a litter box or puppy training pads nearly all the time. However the vast majority simply go wherever and whenever they want- in their bed, on the floor, on the couch, on your keyboard, in their food, then they will walk through it and then walk all over their cage. To foxes, their waste is a marking technique to show ownership and they do not hesitate to use it. Both urine and feces are used in this way.
Most fennec foxes’ urine smells like skunk spray. Some owners claim that certain diets can change that, however, it depends more on the individual fox’s personal chemistry than anything, and most smell like skunk.

fox with big ears
fennec fox habitat
baby fennec fox
fennec fox facts
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fennec fox pup
fennec puppy

Common Health Problems of Fennec Foxes

owning a fennec fox puppy needs a lot of care of health problems that your fennec fox puppy will have. You will need to find a veterinarian willing to treat your fennec foxes and they need preventative care similar to dogs. They should be routinely vaccinated for rabies (using only a killed vaccine such as Imrab), canine distemper virus, parvovirus, and adenovirus. Your vet should be able to recommend a safe combination vaccine for the standard canine diseases.

There is some concern overusing the “typical” MLV vaccine for distemper in fennec foxes, but there are vaccine lines available that are safe. A yearly exam is recommended, and your vet will advise you on deworming, heartworm preventative, and flea control, if necessary.

Does Fennec Fox smell?

if you think to have Fennec Fox as Pet you don’t have to worry, fennecs have very little body odor. The only time you notice any odor is if they get really scared. In this case, they will let off a sharp, musky odor from the scent gland located on the tip of their tail. This is barely noticeable and only lasts for a moment. But just like any other animal, their feces and urine do smell, so keep their litterbox clean!

Thing you should know about Fennec Fox

can you own a fennec fox? better to know this before answering this question
  • Fennec fox pet is very shy and does not seek out attention. Occasionally they will dart up to their person and want to be petted, but it will be fleeting.
  • Fennecs puppy likes to have their ears stroked as well as the top of their head and back of the neck.
  • Generally, they do not want to be touched below the waist or on the tummy, although some do like tummy rubs. 
  • They do not like to be held for more than a few moments.  
  • They often like to be near you but not touched. No matter how much the owner.
  • wishes they would, they simply do not cuddle.
  • Fennec fox pet is happy kept alone, or interacting with the family cat or dog (as long as the dog is not a hunting species- the dog’s reaction to the Fennec will be the same as it would be to any small prey animal, not to another dog.)
  • They do not need to be kept in pairs. As a matter of fact, they may not even acknowledge another Fennec’s presence, let alone play with it, unless they are a bonded breeding pair.
  • Foxes are not packed animals like dogs, or even pride animals like cats. Therefore, they do not respond to ‘training’ methods.
  • They can be conditioned to expect certain things, like opening the refrigerator means food, but they will not come when called.
  • Although they may recognize their name and look up when it is spoken. They will not learn tricks or walk on a leash.
  • They may walk you on a harness, but they can escape easily and if they run off… they are gone.
  • They do not return home nor respond to being called.
  • Fennec fox pets must be kept indoors in all but the most temperate of climates.
  • They should stay between 70 and 80 degrees all of the time. If they are allowed outside in a pen it will have to be completely enclosed sides, top, and bottom, as they will dig or climb out of anything.
  • Some owners keep them in their own room, some keep them in a large “Ferret Nation” type cage when unsupervised (such as when the owner is gone or asleep) and then allow them to be free-range in the house the rest of the time, as we do.
  • They need to be out of the cage and with people as much as possible for them to become and stay somewhat friendly.
  • you cant make your fennec fox vegan .
fox with big ears
fennec fox habitat
baby fennec fox
fennec fox facts
fennec fox price
fennec fox pet for sale
fennec fox pup
fennec fox pet

Think before having a Fennec fox!

If you want the Fennec fox pet to become part of your life, take an interest in it. Read, enjoy watching documentaries, and collecting photographs of this beautiful animal. So small, yet such a great survivor in places where many animals, and even humans, would perish if they tried to live there.

or you may live to the day when you can travel to the desert and witness Fennec foxes in their natural environment, under a star-filled sky.

arctic fox as a pet
arctic fox as a pet

Arctic Fox as a Pet

the silver fox animal
Silver Fox as a Pet

Silver Fox as a Pet

Fennec Fox

Fennec Fox

Are You Ready for owning a fennec fox pet ?

So, after reading all of this, you may be feeling overwhelmed. Or, you may be thinking to yourself, “Bring it on! I can do this I can own a fennec fox!” Both are absolutely fine. The most important part of purchasing any animal is to have one hundred percent certainty that you will be able to handle it and provide for it for the entirety of its lifespan. but remember u should know a lot about fennec fox care.

If you have some insights, questions, or observations about fennec fox ownership, be sure to leave your comments below. We’d love to hear from you.

Fennec Fox pet

Ultimately, the fennec fox pet is precocious, adorable, energetic, and unique. With their high energy levels and a specialized diet, fennec foxes need more work than cats or dogs. However, for someone with home space, knowledge, and patience, fennec foxes can turn out to be rewarding family members. it’s crucial to do your homework and make a lot of time for this pet, because only at that time you can answer, “Do you still think fennec foxes are great pets?” but Fennec foxes can definitely be great pets, but they’re not an ideal pet for everyone.

Foxes are one of the world’s most fascinating animals because of their appearance, their behavior,

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